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Windows 10 und 11 defragmentieren: HDD und SSD - COMPUTER BILD - Get Ashampoo Snap 11 for Free :


Sebastian Kolar. Windows-Bibliotheken: Was ist по этой ссылке — wie nutzt man sie? Es kommt dabei zu keinem Mehrspeicherverbrauch. Das ist die Voraussetzung, um die folgenden Tipps auszuprobieren. Tabbles Free herunterladen. Windows 7: Bibliotheken читать полностью. Es sollten nun im Dateimanager-Hauptfensterbereich "Bilder", "Dokumente", "Musik" und "Videos" samt passender Symbole erscheinen; unterhalb der Icon-Beschriftungen steht jeweils "Bibliothek".

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Das Programm arbeitet GPU-beschleunigt. NET herunterladen » Download: Paint. PicPick besitzt eine Anbindung an diverse Onlinedienste als Speicherziele, sodass sich Screenshots nicht nur lokal sichern lassen. Mehrmals vorhandene Dateien bieten meist keine Vorteile und verschwenden daher lediglich Speicherplatz.

In einem Einstellungsdialog legen Sie fest, nach welchen Kriterien das Tool Dateiduplikate ausfindig machen soll. Im Перейти на страницу der Zeit arbeiten Windows und Anwendungsprogramme zunehmend langsamer, da die Bestandteile von Ashampoo snap 9 speicherort free nicht optimal angeordnet sind.

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Zur Abhilfe nutzen Sie 7-Zip, um die Elemente zu komprimieren: Das Programm fasst sie zu einer Archivdatei zusammen und bewirkt zugleich eine Verkleinerung. Durch diese Umorganisation der Datenstruktur spart das Tool mal mehr, mal weniger Plattenplatz snsp. Sie haben ein PC-Problem und wissen nicht weiter? Das Programm kommt mit Musik- und Videodateien aller wichtigen Formate zurecht, da die Entwickler zahlreiche Codecs bereits integriert haben.

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Eine Internetverbindung vorausgesetzt, greifen Sie auf Online-Radio zu. Ein Spezialist zum Konvertieren ist fre:ac. Das Tool wandelt lokale Audiodateien um und fungiert als Ripper. Snapp Weiteren benennt die Software sie automatisch um und erstellt Wiedergabelisten-Dateien.

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Simply download the giveaway version from here or here [ Install the software and when you launch it for the first time, you will notice an Activation window. You will receive a confirmation email, click the confirmation link and activate your account. You must be logged in to post a comment. Skip to content Ashampoo Snap 11 is a screen capturing software for your windows system.

Key Features: All-in-one tool for desktop image and video capture. Create and share screenshots in a snap. Saved images and videos can also be easily shared on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The improved OCR feature optical character recognition extracts single words or passages from screen captures. Recognized text will automatically be copied to the system clipboard making it available for use in other documents.

Multiple languages are supported. Quite frequently, taking screenshots is a spontaneous thing with little time to fire up applications first. This is why Snap 9 was designed to run silently in the background while consuming as little resources as possible. It takes only a single keystroke to start capturing so you wont be wasting any valuable time. Ashampoo Snap 9 Features at a glance Integrate external applications for image editing and processing Automatically copy image captures to the system clipboard Smart Microsoft Edge support Capture system clipboard images that were copied in a browser window Live edit video recordings with text and pen annotations Create animated GIFs, e.

Then I can't activate this right away, because there's a cascading menu offering me other options, that I will never use. Apart from the most obvious : Capture Free Rectangle Region what complicated language! That's 4 clicks, just to activate that very basic screen grab.

The other options, I don't even understand what they do. What's a Custom Region? How is Custom different from Free? Now, OK, I drag the friggin' "region" I need to snap. The "region" is isolated in a dark background. And then? What do I do? No hints. No indications. I right-click on the "region". The "region" disappears. I have to start all over again. This time, I correctly guess I have to click on the "region".

Can't you write on the blasted screen : click to copy, or something like that? Most other screen grabbers do that. Now, the screenshot opens in the editor. What am I supposed to do?

There are a hundred icons all around, none of them intuitive. I want to draw a border around my screen grab, because, you know, it's white. Absolutely basic requirement. I click on the Apply Border icon. It doesn't apply a border. It opens a menu, with bizarre options I can't understand. OK, suppose I keep the defaults.

How do I get out of this? How do I "apply border"? There's one button, and it says "Close". I don't want to close, I want to apply border. So I close, because that's the only way out. There's no way to know whether the border has, indeed, been applied. Now I want to do something very complex, you see, and paste this screen grab in a document of mine. So I right-click on the image, and fortunately, there's a Copy to clipboard option there.

But if I point on other parts of the screen grab, there is another context menu, without Copy, but with totally obscure commands.

Then what am I supposed to do? This friggin' editor window is occupying the whole screen. I can't minimise it or toss it to the side. There's no standard Windows buttons on the top right of the windows, because I suppose you're smarter than everybody. So I try to close it by clicking on the huge red x.

Now you're asking me whether I want to save all changes or discard all changes in opened files. I don't know. What opened files? I didn't open any files. Why are you interfering with my work? For the time being, I just want to paste the bloody screenshot in a bloody document to make sure I got it right, and make sure you put the bloody border around it. So I click either of the two buttons, Yes or No, and I don't see any difference in what happens next.

Then finally, I can paste the screenshot in my document, and I order to reproduce these steps and write about them, I have had to redo them from the start for each single step, because the editor window doesn't stay up there, like a standard Windows window.

You can't leave it in the background, and come back to it later. It just goes away. Absolutely terrible interface and workflow. Window 7 Snipping Tool is way better than this, for Chrissake.

It does all of the above in a completely intuitive way. Why can't you build upon your ancestors, and do something better, instead of destroying everything they did, and build up an unusable monster because "features" and "power"? What power? There's no power in it if it's unusable. Clairvaux, I completely disagree. Have been using this one for a long time and I find the interface to be very natural.

I can't stand the windows snipping tool in which you have to capture the exact region precisely with no option to correct. I may have spent 5 minutes to figure it out the first time I used it, but immediately liked it and I use it every day without giving it a second thought.

But what it does, it does beautifully. That's what great software should aim to : do things right. Most of the time, the Snipping Tool is enough. Now if you want to do more it's difficult to do as little , there's no lack of well thought-out software and mostly free. Want to be able to crop your screenshot after the fact? Pic Pick, Greenshot and scores of others can do that, with considerably swifter, faster, smarter and more intuitive workflows.

Dear [ GOTD ] fellows. Ashampoo software does what it promises Peter Blaise, Let me be very clear : I actually believe that the quality of German software is one of the best-kept secrets of computerdom. Ashampoo, as far as I can see, is an exception.

Capture vs Capture screen vs video I consider screen capture the last possible choice and video capture the best choice that being said it is hard to find top tire video capture because the video's are protected and always changing to make video capture nonfunctional.

Screen capture very hard to defend against and there are many free offerings. The biggest problem is buffering and the inability to do anything with your computer while doing screen capture lastly quality and video size I have never seen a screen capture equal to the actual video size this might not be true for more resent programs and seen them much larger than they should be P.

I found the description unclear if this is a video capture and not a screen capture I would give it a try. From my notes from an earlier giveaway, v7 is the last version to run on XP. The installer aborts and throws an alert if you try and install it under Vista, sorry did not check how the installaer behaves under XP it could either do the same or report it's not a valid win32 application.

End result will be the same. I have Ashampoo Snap 8 from an older promotion, and I almost always end up using one of the two other tools I have zeroed in : either Windows 7 own Snip Tool, which is minimal but very often sufficient, or Pic Pick, which has a better resolution, can pick up smaller icons, and has a great editor.

Snip Tool has a great feature most other sophisticated programs do not have : the ability to automatically add a border, without having to open the clip in an editor. If you routinely clip portions of the screen, this is required. Ashampoo Snap is bloated, takes up the whole screen, and when I've tried to use the more advanced features capture a whole Web page, for instance , they have often failed.

There's no problem trying it however, any other that you will be bombarded with nag screens and promotional emails.

This is standard Ashampoo policy, and the price to pay for their generous and regular offers of free or deeply discounted programs. For what it's worth, Ashampoo Snap 10 is available for I always install Ashampoo Snap when it is featured here.

But ironically i never use it! I just ask myself why i use Windows built-in Snipping Tool instead of Snap and it seems that Snap is too much for my daily use. I need screenshots almost everyday but Snipping Tool is easy and less cluttered. Besides, Snap works always on background and i don't like it. So this time i skip installing it. I use it. I have never heard of Snipping Tool. I find the most useful: Gadwin PrintScreen free. Very handy. I use it daily several times.

Hope, I have and use only XP and below. Thanks all the same, you ave explained it. Have done since I discovered it years ago. I've had trial versions of two Snap editions - never been able to work out how to use them though. Snipping Tool is quick and easy, and just sits there waiting to be used when needed. In Win 10 you'll find it under Windows Accessories. Sound Recording with the screen capturing video is getting distorted after few seconds.

Please look into it. My Lap top Window V P SINGH, There's an awful lot that could be going wrong, but the 1st 2 things I'd check myself would be to see what's going on in task mgr before attempting video recording -- if your laptop is already using lots or all of its resources doing something else, there won't be enough left to manage recording -- and 2nd, try a smaller capture window, which should require less hardware resources -- your laptop may not be powerful enough, or the hard drive might be too slow etc.

This is an older version. At their website there is version Thats kind of the idea with this site - give away an older version for free, with a discount to the latest version. So it's strange for v9 to be offered now. Hello, please note that the promo you mentioned was not a usual Giveaway, but a competition, so this is the latest program version offered.

GOTD team. Helen, Ah, the page for all Ashampoo giveaways doesn't reflect that little detail. Thanks for letting all of us know that. Eddie, yes some vendors refuse to offer a version they currently sell and instead offer an older no longer supported version. They hope to upsell the current version off the back of the giveaway Eddie, Ashampoo prorgams usually get a new version every year, in order to feed the engine of promotions such as this one.

So, using the n - 1 version is not a problem, if the program suits you generally : most of the time it will be a quite powerful and current piece of software in its own right.

Helen, what are the differences between Snap v9 and Snap which I already have? Sam, Ashampoo software that have version numbers of a year e. You'll probably need to go to Ashampoo's website to find out what the differences are. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. No, thanks Yes, I'd like to. Don't miss all the cool giveaways. Allow notifications in your browser. Giveaway of the day — Ashampoo Snap 9. Ashampoo Snap 9 was available as a giveaway on January 15, !

Download trial Ashampoo Snap 9. Glary Utilities PRO 5. How would you improve Ashampoo Snap 9?



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